Friday, June 3, 2011

That's a super-hot old guy

At BC-HF headquarters, we have always had a problem with prejudice, but one of the most despicable forms of it is ageism. When people degrade those of different generations, it is even more ridiculous than judging them based on race, sexual preference, gender, religion, or any other aspect of their lives. Chances are, if you are young you will probably get old, and you were most certainly younger at on point.

Numero uno on our list is ..

He lived through Irish-Catholic hell. He wrote  books that opened my young mind to the horrors of my Irish motherland. He accidentally threw up his first eucharist. He is the perma-sexy Frank McCourt.

That coy side-grin gets my in the spine every time. Where do I sign up to get raped by the former Alex DeLarge, Malcolm McDowell. MEEEEE-YOW!  Evil stays sexy forever, kids.

Leonard Cohen fits into all the necessary categories.  Brooding, intelligent, Canadian, fascinated by death, fellatioed by Janis Joplin, and adored by Rufus Wainwright.
Anthony Steward Head is quite possibly the ultimate filler for the role of teacher-student fantasy.  Modest, with a quaint accent and wealth of ancient knowledge - and need we mention he once played Frank N. Furter in a stage production of Rocky Horror Picture Show?

 I often bemoan the unavailable sexual state of certain gay men.  Obviously they have the right to be with whomever they choose, but why doesn't Sir Ian McEllen ever choose me?  I would be thrilled to discuss the fascinating similarities between mutant prosecution and homophobia.  Do please bring on the learning!
Oh, John C. Reilly, I love you in all your incarnations. You might have been Mr. Cellophane in Chicago, but I'm looking right at you, babay! You make me laugh, cry, and then usually laugh quite a bit more. I need mor Dr. Steve Brule. Seriously, it's for my health!

Michael..My favorite Python, my only Palin.  Wit and playfulness can get you far over time, and are essential character traits.  All of the pythons posses a great gift of humor, but Palin's seems just a dash more adorable than the rest.  Any man willing to walk silly and repeatedly dress like a granny has my vote.

I think I find Larry David attractive because I identify with his actions so.  On the exterior, he may seem like an asshole, but sarcasm can sometimes be immensely appealing, and really he is usually trying to do right in the situations that get him into trouble.
The glasses? The almost single-handed creation of what we now know as zombies? I love it all. I loves me some George Romero.  I would even be willing to try sexy flesh-eating role play with this man!

Peter Sellers is someone I have a crush on in every role, from over-sexualized Inspector Clouseau to demure Chauncey Gardner, He gives off an irresistible coy and somewhat-cocky vibe.

Most everyone can admit to being drawn in by this fine man's groovitational pull.  Bowie is a wicked sharp dresser and has aged like a fine wine, perhaps preserved by his own artistic brilliance.  He continues to give us the quakes, and his voice and mojo ooze sex appeal. 

Of course, this is not the case with everyone.  The following are some menfolk we like and had high hopes for, but whose facial features served them best in youth.

Bud Cort

I cannot espress the bummerosity...

David Hemmings
We were smitten by his short appearance in Barbarella - our only complaint being that he and the Queen of the Galaxy had hand-touching, pill-induced earth sex and not the savage dance of the eight-legged beast. 
from sexy as hell to just plain from hell.  We remembered him from the good old days and were shocked and appalled to discover his contemporary incarnation.
WTF eyebrows?

Judd Nelson
The Breakfast Club is one of our guilty pleasure movies, and the reason for it is obvious.  Judd Nelson is the only bad boy rascal I have ever been attracted to.  His career has not brought him much pizzaz since then, however, and with rotundity he has also depleted in style points.  As a hairdresser, even I am stumped by his hairstyle and choice of molding paste. Paul Mitchell doesn't make anything that looks like THAT, but if they did, I am confident that it would have a coconut scent.
We really like making collages in Microsoft Paint, and were going about composing an image of all of the supposedly good-looking young actors who we think will not age well - however, after only two googlings, we petered out and realized that basically everyone considered beautiful these days has balloonish, pricey sex-doll features that will not withstand the tests of time.

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