I met a man by chance about 5 years ago. His name is Matt Gibson. Little did I know that for years to come, he would learn my tastes, create beautiful original artwork for me, and become a friend.
Tattooing didn't become legal in the backwards state of Oklahoma until 2006. There were shops open in pseudo-secret. Everybody knew someone who knew someone who would tattoo you in a kitchen or outside of their trailer, but needless to say, things could get sketchy, and I do not mean that as a pun. There were no health standards in place. People were getting shitty tattoos or taking their money out of state.
Exreme? Totally.
Liger? Tigon? Piece of shit?
And then it came, November 1, 2006, the day we joined every other fucking state in the union and made tattooing legal.
I called the fanciest shop in town. Then I called one that I could afford. I met Matt at First Amendment Tattoo when it was near the Paseo (my then current home) on NW 23rd St. My first tattoos were a gift, as many of mine have been. Thanks Krissy! I payed homage to one of my favorite artists, Edward Gorey, and had a bat tattooed on each calf. And so it began.
For a while, I was away from Oklahoma City and was tattooed by a chump or two, but when I came home, I was determined to find Matt again! His laid back demeanor was reason enough to want to work with him. After much googling, I found him. He cleaned up my tattoos that other pricks had done and even added a little extra love to my little bats.
Since then, I have gotten more tattoos from this man, and have NEVER been disappointed. Matt has a professional attitude, a good sense of humor, and, especially importantly, a very light hand.
photo by William Woods
Anniversary Diamond
Razor handle
Razor blade
Modeling At Midwest Ink and Metal Fest
Not only is Matt super cool, but he has a degree from the Art Institute, for those who believe in art school, and for those who don't care about art school, Matt's artwork has won awards and been featured in tattoo magazines! Matt's demeanor is totally chill. He'll never bore you talking about his awesome car or porn stars he supposedly met like some tools do. He'll never make you feel like a sex-object. He's not an alcoholic who's gonna blow your money at some vomit-covered bar. He's a husband and a father. He's a friendly Star Wars nerd with an immaculate shop filled with excellent artwork done by everyone from himself to Shephard Fairey.
Here are some of his works on other folks:
Sexy Lincoln - A Dazed and Confused reference
The weapon we have is LOVE!
versatile much!? Check out his cover up tattoo that isn't even complete!
Recently, the BC/HF team visited Mr. Gibson, or "MatGib" as we affectionately call him.
Both of us had artwork hand drawn by Miss Audrey tattooed on ourselves.
Sketch for Dusan Makavejev tribute tattoo
Pleased as punch!
Matt Gibson can be reached at
15th St Tattoo in Edmond (405 513 8886) which is right off the highway.